Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy (“POLICY“) has been to created to determine the processing conditions of the personal data and information of; Persons who download the PULSATE application (“APPLICATION” or “PULSATE“) and accept the Membership Agreement (“MEMBER“), people who download the APP and visit the login screen (“VISITOR/ GUEST“) or the address of the application , or people who visit the website (”WEBSITE”).

Personal data and information of MEMBER and VISITORS are processed by Kötekli Mahallesi Denizli Yolu Bulvarı No:4B-28 Menteşe/MUĞLA, Shellix Smart Solutions Bilgi Teknolojileri Yazilim Ithalat Ve Ihracat Anonim Şirketi- Mersis No: 0769152927300001 (hereinafter referred to as ‘COMPANY’).

None of the GUESTS’ data is processed.

MEMBERS, GUESTS and VISITORS are to be aged 18 or over. If the APPLICATION is used by a real person under the age of 18, it must be terminated by the subject person. PULSATE or the COMPANY does not accept any responsibility in case of harm to those under the age of 18 due to the use of the APPLICATION.

This POLICY is an integral part and annex of the Member Agreement. The POLICY is prepared for the personal data processed and the information collected within the WEBSITE and APPLICATION.


APPLE: To Apple Incorporation,

FACEBOOK: To Meta Platforms Incorporation

GOOGLE: To Google Incorporation

RELATED PERSON/ SUBJECT: To MEMBER, GUEST and VISITOR, whose personal data are processed

Related User: People who process personal data within the COMPANY or in line with the authorization and instruction received from the COMPANY, excluding the person or unit responsible for the technical storage, protection and backup of the data,

Personal Data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable real person,

KVK: To protection of Personal Data,

KVKK: Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698,

GUEST/ VISITOR: To people who use PULSATE and do not register as members,

PREMİUM MEMBER: To a user who has chosen to benefit from the exclusive content of the application via Google Pay or Apple Pay and has paid the fee weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.

COMPANY: To Shellix Smart Solutions Bilişim Teknolojileri Yazilim Ithalat Ve Ihracat Anonim Şirketi

Application: To mobile applicatio called “PULSATE”

MEMBER: To the User who accepts the membership agreement and registers with Google, Facebook, Apple ID or by specifying his e-mail and password,

Data Controller: To Shellix Smart Solutions Bilişim Teknolojileri Yazilim Ithalat Ve Ihracat Anonim Şirketi

Web Site: To, which belongs to PULSATE application

They refer.


Personal data of people using the APPLICATION and WEBSITE are processed by Shellix Smart Solutions Bilişim Teknolojileri Yazilim Ithalat Ve Ihracat Anonim Şirketi as data controller.

Personal data; is processed in line with the legal reasons, purposes and methods to be explained below within the scope of KVKK and related legal legislation.


This POLICY has been prepared in order to provide information in the most transparent way about the identity of the DATA SUBJECT, the collection method and legal reason for personal data, the purpose for which this data will be processed, to whom and for what purpose it can be transferred, and what the rights of RELATED PEOPLE are.


Within the scope of the legislation to which COMPANY is subject to due to its commercial activities (Technology Development Zones Law, Technology Development Zones Implementation Regulation, Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Commercial Code, Law on Consumer Protection, Labor Law, Personal Data Protection Law, Revenue Administration and other relevant institutions’ regulations),

Within the scope of the contracts to which COMPANY is a part of,

In order to prepare special content for RELATED PERSON/S, to develop the contents, to improve the services and to increase the quality,

In order to enable profile customization,

In order to fix the errors and bugs in the APPLICATION and to receive feedback,

In order to provide service to its MEMBERS,

In order to fulfill the purposes of this POLICY,

The personal data of the related people is processed.

It should be emphasized that anonymous data can be obtained via some information extracted from the personal data of RELATED PERSON/S collected by the COMPANY. In this case, the anonymous data created will not be considered as personal data under this POLICY or any law.


The Company will not process the personal data of RELATED PERSON/S except for the purposes stated above; It will not operate outside of legal obligations, the cases required by official institutions and the purposes specified in the POLICY, and will not share it with third parties other than those specified in the POLICY.

After the MEMBERS accept the Personal Data explicit consent form, their personal data in the explicit consent form are transferred to the server of the APPLICATION, which is located abroad. These personal data are stored on Google Firebase and Amazon AWS servers, which are the servers of the APPLICATION located abroad. You can find Google Firebase here and Amazon AWS here.

Belonging to RELATED PERSON/S; Identity information, Contact information, Visual and audio recording information, Transaction security information are transferred to servers located abroad for storage, and are not shared with anyone other than in the cases listed below. These are:

Sharing with these organizations within the scope of preventive, protective and intelligence activities carried out by public institutions and organizations that have been given duties and powers by law to ensure national defense, national security, public safety, public order or economic security,

Sharing personal data upon request by judicial authorities or execution authorities regarding investigation, prosecution, trial or execution proceedings,

It consists of sharing your personal data with the authorities so that we can use our rights under this POLICY or the MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT you have signed.



ID INFORMATION: Name – Date of Birth, Gender

Purpose of Processing: Execution of Information Security Processes, Execution of Access Authorizations, Access to the Application, Execution of Company / Product / Services Loyalty Processes, Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes, Execution of Marketing Analysis Studies

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data: 6698 SK stated in Article 5 of KVKK. art. 5/2 (c): Establishment or performance of the Contract,


Purpose of Processing: Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes, Execution of Marketing Analysis Studies

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data: The explicit consent of the Person specified in Article 5 of the KVKK (art. 5 paragraph 1),


Purpose of Processing: Execution of Information Security Processes, Execution of Access Authorities, Access to the application

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data: 6698 SK stated in Article 5 of KVKK. art. 5/2 (c): Establishment or performance of the Contract,


Purpose of Processing: Execution of Company / Product / Services Loyalty Processes, Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes, Execution of Marketing Analysis Studies,

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data: The explicit consent of the Person specified in Article 5 of the KVKK (art. 5 paragraph 1),


Purpose of Processing: Execution of Information Security Processes, Execution of Access Authorities, Access to the application

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data: 6698 SK stated in Article 5 of KVKK. art. 5/2 (c): Establishment or performance of the Contract,


PROCESS SECURITY INFORMATIONS: IP Address, Port information, start and end time of the service provided, type of service used, amount of data transferred

Purpose of Processing Execution of Information Security Processes, Execution of Access Authorities, Access to the application

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms when you become a member and from the profile page.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data:: 6698 SK stated in Article 5 of KVKK. art. 5/2 (c): Establishment or performance of the Contract,

ID INFORMATIONS: Name Surname, (Provided by Facebook, Google and Apple.)

Purpose of Processing: Execution of Information Security Processes, Execution of Access Authorities, Access to the application, Execution of communication activities

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms when you become a member.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data: 6698 SK stated in Article 5 of KVKK. art. 5/2 (c): Establishment or performance of the Contract

VISUAL AND AUDITORY REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Profile picture (Provided by Facebook, Google and Apple)

Purpose of Processing: Execution of Information Security Processes, Execution of Access Authorities, Customizing the Profile

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms from your profile settings as well as when you become a member.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data: 6698 SK stated in Article 5 of KVKK. art. 5/1: The explicit consent of the RELATED PERSON

CONTACT INFORMATION: Email address, (Provided by Facebook, Google and Apple)

Purpose of Processing: Execution of Information Security Processes, Execution of Access Authorities, Access to the application, Execution of communication activities

Data Collection Method: Your information is collected through electronic forms when you become a member.

Legal Reason for Processing Your Data: 6698 SK stated in Article 5 of KVKK. art. 5/2 (c): Establishment or performance of the Contract


RELATED PERSON/S are responsible for the accuracy of the personal data shared with the COMPANY while using the APPLICATION or WEBSITE and for the consequences that can be drawn from this personal data. In this context, by approving this POLICY, RELATED PERSON/S have accepted and declared that they know that it is important both in the scope of the rights they have on their personal data in terms of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and in the scope of other relevant legislation, and that they will be entirely responsible for providing false information.


The COMPANY protects the personal data of RELATED PERSON/S in the best way possible, by taking all possible administrative and technical measures, by paying attention to the minimum level of personal data processing, and by trying to ensure that it is shared anonymously while sharing.

The COMPANY undertakes the responsibility to take the necessary measures in case of any data breach or if COMPANY thinks that any data breach has occurred, and immediately notify you and the Personal Data Protection Board about this situation.


According to KVKK art. 11 and related legislation, RELATED PERSON/S have the following rights:

To learn whether personal data is processed or not,

To request information about it if personal data has been processed,

To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose,,

To knowthe third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or internationally.

To request the correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,

To request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing have disappeared, even if it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVK Law and other relevant laws, and to request COMPANY to notify the third parties, to whom the transaction carried out within this scope and the personal data has been transferred to.

To object/ reject to any result in case a result against the person arises due to the analysis of the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

To request the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data.

ı. To request the deletion / destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK

RELATED PERSON/S can always use their above-mentioned rights with the COMPANY by choosing to send physical or e-mail to our addresses given below. Notifications made outside of these addresses will not be considered.


Business Title: Shellix Smart Solutions Bilişim Teknolojileri Yazilim Ithalat Ve Ihracat Anonim Şirketi

Registered Office: Kötekli Mahallesi Denizli Yolu Bulvarı No:4B/28 Muğla Teknopark – Menteşe / MUĞLA / TÜRKİYE

E-mail Address Suitable For Notification:: [email protected]

KEP address: [email protected]

Company Telephone: +90 252 358 77 57

Mersis No: 0769152927300001


The COMPANY may make changes to this POLICY. Changes made will be published in the APPLICATION. RELATED PERSON/S can learn about the changes made from the place where they are published. No other notification except these will be made.

By using the services provided by the COMPANY, you acknowledge and declare that you have read this POLICY, understand the content and accept its provisions.